Eastway Welcomes David Sheehan to the Team

A warm Eastway welcome to David Sheehan as he relocates from Germany to join our team in Limerick.

Experienced in the electrical maintenance requirements of pharmaceutical manufacturing, we are delighted to have David bring his expert knowledge to the team.

About Eastway

Eastway is a world-leading condition monitoring partner. We have been providing machine monitoring support and expertise to international, multi-site manufacturers for over twenty years. Eastway combines 24/7 remote monitoring and data analysis with deep domain knowledge to eliminate unplanned downtime and increase operational efficiency.

Eastway’s Safeguard system was developed by our technical team to provide complete reassurance and protection against machine failure. All data collected by our machine monitoring equipment is stored securely in the cloud. Automated alerts are generated to the client and to our around-the-clock team of condition monitoring specialists. 

We monitor machines primarily using vibration analysis. This has proven to be one of the most effective methods of identifying machine faults. With vibration analysis, issues can be detected months in advance.

Learn more about our condition monitoring services